Role: Research Support Scientist in Remote Sensing, Modelling, Instrumentation, Hydrology and Atmospheric Electricity

School: Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences

Department: Meteorology

Theme: Environment

Expertise: Veronica is scientist with a multi-disciplinary background with a PhD in Physical Geography, MSc and BSc in Electronic Engineering. She is highly experienced in research, including areas of Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Electricity and Hydrology. Additionally, she is proficient in programming and modelling. 

About me: As Research Support Scientist, Veronica mainly provides special support to research activities undertaken by academic staff. She is responsible for end-to-end research activities on different groups at Meteorology department. For example, for the Earth Observation group, she developed a pioneering C-band UAV system to estimate forestry carbon stocks and developed a ground radar instrument to investigate characteristics and behaviours of soil moisture and vegetation at the individual field level. On both projects, she participated in the data collection campaign and performed the corresponding data analysis for future submission of papers in scientific journals. In addition, for the Remote Sensing and Cloud Observation group, she is currently developing a system to capture near-instantaneously 3D images of droplets freely falling. Also, in the Space and Atmospheric Electricity group, she is primarily involved in the developing a system for rainfall enhancement. Veronica’s multi-disciplinary background is key for department forefront research. Escobar-Ruiz, V., Morrison, K., Sjögersten, S., Siewert, M. B., and Fox, N. (2023). A novel C-Band UAV-Radar for 3D characterisation of forest canopy backscatter profiles – Preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 April 2023, EGU23-8454, Escobar-Ruiz, V., Smith, H. G., Macdonald, N., & Peñuela, A. (2022). Simulated event-scale flow and sediment generation responses to agricultural land cover change in lowland UK catchments. Hydrological Processes, 36( 2), e14474. Escobar-Ruiz, V, Smith, HG, Blake, WH, Macdonald, N. (2019). Assessing the performance of a physically based hydrological model using a proxy-catchment approach in an agricultural environment. Hydrological Processes. 33: 3119– 3137.



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