NERC Discipline Hopping for Discovery Science

Sorby Room, Wager Building Wager Building, University of Reading, Reading

Theme: Water, Food and Social Organisation in the Peruvian Andes The current and future impact of climate change on agro-pastoral farming systems, and their water supplying ecosystems, remains poorly understood...Read More >

PhD Day – Doing Research in Latin America and Caribbean

Room 108, Henley Business School Whiteknights, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire

Please join us for our first PhD Day on April 26, 2023. The aim of this event is to bring together PhD students of Reading's Latin American and the Caribbean...Read More >

Roundtable: Imagining Argentina’s Independence

Edith Morley, Room 175 Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire

This event will be a roundtable discussion of different perspectives on Argentina’s nineteenth-century independence process. It will explore both historical dimensions and literary responses that reimagine the nation in contemporary...Read More >

R-LAC Networking Event: Building Interdisciplinary Teams

Chancellors Building, Room G15 Chancellors Building, Reading

This event aims to bring together the whole R-LAC (Reading Latin American and the Caribbean Network) community to establish new connections between members.  We are an extremely interdisciplinary network, which...Read More >