Role: PhD Researcher in biorchaeology, osteology, paleopathology

School: School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Study

Department: Archaeology

Theme: Heritage and Creativity

Expertise: My investigation centres on the study of human health in the past, particularly childhood health and adolescent development through bioarchaeological analysis. I focus on metric and non-metric indicators of stress and growth delay experienced during developmental years and observed in the skeletal record to create an image of population health.

About me: The study of human population health in the past, particularly childhood health and adolescent development. I have studied populations from Argentinian Northwest during the regional development and Inka period, groups who lived in Northern Kyushu and Western Yamaguchi prefecture (Japan) during the early-mid Yayoi period, and populations in England before and after the Black Death. The analyses included the following health indicators: cribra orbitalia, Lineal enamel hypoplasia, adolescent growth stage, long bone osteometrics, oral health (dental caries caries, wear, periodontal disease, calculus, and abscesses), tooth extraction and intentional modification of the skull. Relevant publications: BOTTA, F. N., & SELDES, V. (2019). Representación de individuos subadultos en el registro arqueológico de la Quebrada de Humahuaca. Mundo de Antes, 13(1), 13–30. SELDES, V., & BOTTA, F. N. (2014). Violence Indicators in Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina. Anthropological Review. Poland, 77(1), 87–109. DOI: 10.2478/anre-2014-0008 BOTTA, F. N. (2014). Acercamiento Bioarqueológico al Análisis de la Violencia en la Quebrada de Humahuaca durante el Periodo de Desarrollos Regionales Tardío (1250-1430 DC). In V. SELDES & M. S. GHEGGI (Eds.), Antropología Biológica y estudios del comportamiento mortuorio de los pueblos prehispánicos del Noroeste Argentino (pp. 7–26). Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara.



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