What determines the lifespan of a tree leaf? It’s a simple question, but until now, did not have a simple answer. Whilst some trees grow for hundreds, if not thousands…Read More >
Lewei Jin
Lewei Jin is a PhD student in Wang Han’s group at Tsinghua University this year. Lewei is is interested in theoretical ecology and vegetation simulation. She is currently working…Read More >
Jaideep Joshi
Jaideep Joshi is a researcher based at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. He collaborates closely with Prof Beni Stocker at the University of Bern, Switzerland….Read More >
Environmental controls on the LUE of GPP
By Dr Keith Bloomfield A general formula for photosynthesis is enticingly simple: take a green plant, add carbon dioxide, water, a handful of nutrients (dominated by forms of nitrogen and…Read More >
Maoya Bassiouni
Maoya is a postdoctoral researcher with the Quantitative Ecosystem Dynamics Lab at UC Berkeley, in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. As an ecohydrologist, Maoya combines physical…Read More >
Wenyao Gan
Wenyao Gan is a PhD student working under the supervision of Sandy Harrison and Pier Luigi Vidale at the University of Reading. Wenyao’s work will focus on implementing eco-evolutional…Read More >