Experiment Title: Optimality along a nutrient stoichiometric gradient Institutions responsible:

Utrecht University and University of Western Australia (Daniil Scheifes)

Experiment Description: In this field campaign at Jurien bay (WA, Australia), we tested the physiological response of several plant species with varying relative soil availability of Nitrogen and Phosphorus.
Variables being tested: Experimental Details (factorial design, replication, lab/field/ controls, vegetation type): Data availability: Study limitations:
  • Leaf level photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax, Jmax) and δ13C.
  • Leaf N and P
  • Remote sensing data (LAI)
We sampled along  chronosequence stages of young , medium and old soils where nutrient limitation shifts from N-limitation to N/P co-limitation to P limitation.  We sampled at three different sites per chronosequence stages, within these sites we samples around 5-10 individual plant species. Data available for most variables on request. Will be available on github soon. CSV/xlsx files. Due to low moisture availiabilty, it was difficult to measure leaf level photosynthetic capacity. Furthermore the sites were hard to reach so the samples size of species is relatively small.