Experiment Title: Response of C3 and C4 species to elevated CO2 and water deficit: A test of least-cost optimality theory Institutions responsible:

Utrecht University and University of Western Australia (Paul Drake)

Experiment Description: Here we test for the morphological and physiological responses of closely related C3 and C4 species when grown at an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and under a controlled water deficit.
Variables being tested: Experimental Details (factorial design, replication, lab/field/ controls, vegetation type): Data availability: Study limitations:
  • Leaf level photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax, Jmax) and δ13C.
  • Stomatal density
  • Vein length per area
Growth room experiment, with four panic grass species (3 x C4 species and 1 x C3 species), two atmospheric CO2 environments (400 ppm and 1000 ppm) and two water treatments (well-watered and a mild water deficit)

5-7 plants per species and treatment.

Data available for most variables on request.

CSV/xlsx files.

Not published yet.

13C samples were influenced by the atmospheric value – air was sampled but comparisons between rooms may not be appropriate.