About us

Name: Professor Elizabeth J Z Robinson

Job Title: Professor of Environmental Economics/Head of Department Applied Economics and Marketing

Contact Details: e.j.robinson@reading.ac.uk

Areas of Interest: Particularly interested in the interface between people and natural resources, with an emphasis on forest and marine-based livelihoods; and the links between climate change, food security, and health.


Name: Dr Angie Elwin

Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Geography

Contact Details: angie.elwin@reading.ac.uk

Areas of Interest: Interested in marine conservation and the interaction between ecosystems and people with an emphasis on land-use change in mangrove forests and how this affects ecosystem health and ecosystem service delivery.


Name: Dr Menuka Udugama

Job Title: Senior Lecturer (Agricultural, Environmental, Resource and Food Economics) Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

Contact Details: menuka@wyb.ac.lk

Areas of Interest: Interested in forest and marine resource conservation, social impacts on the loss of ecosystem services, food security, waste management and pollution control with a special interest in marine protected areas, coastal livelihoods and sustainable management of mangroves.


Name: Niko Howai

Job Title: PhD Researcher Agriculture, Environment and Food Economics

Contact Details: n.howai@pgr.reading.ac.uk

Areas of Interest: Interested in ecosystem services valuation, especially by coastal communities and the interface with the seascape. In particular the utilisation of mangrove forest sites in the face of development and determining how a balance can be found in the trade-offs between development and preservation.