Plenary Speakers
Prof Alan Hastings
Prof Mark Pagel
Dr Silvia De Monte
Prof Priyanga Amarasekare
Prof Julia Blanchard
List of Mini-Symposia
1. Eco-evolutionary responses to environmental change
2. Dynamics and structure of large ecological networks
3. Random matrix theory and the dynamics and coevolution of microbiomes
4. Evolution along metabolic pathways
5. The role of competition in shaping ecological networks
6. Phylogenetic simulation and inference models uncover deep-time dynamics in island biogeography
7. Mathematical Models of Reproductive Dormancy
8. Cancer vs microbial community modelling: divides and bridges
9. Evolutionary Dynamics in the Soma
10. Social evolution under uncertainty
11a. Vegetation modelling: Nonlinear PDE approach
11b. Vegetation modelling: Optimality approach
12a. Applications of Evolutionary Game Theory: Critical transitions
12b. Applications of Evolutionary Game Theory: Cancer treatment
12c. Applications of Evolutionary Game Theory: Structured populations