Roman Crafts

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

Booking required - free tickets available at the library

Roman Yoga

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

Booking required - free tickets available at the library

‘Roman Story Times’

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

for pre-school aged children.

‘Human Bones’ activity for children

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

no actual human bones will be used in this activity! Booking required - free tickets available at the library) 6yrs – 10yrs

‘Roman Story Times’

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

for primary (aged 6-10 yrs old) children.

Dr Ed Caswell’s finds

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

At Goring Library: This is the day to bring any finds that you’ve made for Dr Ed Caswell to identify, and see other archaeological finds from the area. There will...Read More >

Lowbury Hill walk for health

Goring Library Station Rd, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire

  Length 4 miles, time 2 hrs with stops. Long uphill section lasting 1.5 miles. This route is undertaken at your own risk, FOGL have provided the following as a...Read More >

Lino/college workshop by Jane Dipple

Lino/college workshop run by a local artist Jane Dipple to produce an artistic response to the painting by Anna Dillon/Roman artifacts.