The following selected publications highlight the group’s recent work in analysis and its applications.
- E. Basor, T. Ehrhardt, J. Virtanen, Asymptotics of block Toeplitz determinants with piecewise continuous symbols, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
- C. Bellavita, V. Daskalogiannis, S. Miihkinen, D. Norrbo, G. Stylogiannis, J. A. Virtanen, Generalized Hilbert matrix operators acting on Bergman spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis
- A. M. Caetano, S. N. Chandler-Wilde, X. Claeys, A. Gibbs, D. P. Hewett, A. Moiola, Integral equation methods for acoustic scattering by fractals, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
- N. Katzourakis, R. Moser, Minimisers of supremal functionals and mass-minimising 1-currents, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
- W. Ballmann, S. Mondal, Spectral instability of coverings, International Mathematics Research Notices
- S. Chandler-Wilde, R. Chonchaiya, M. Lindner, On spectral inclusion sets and computing the spectra and pseudospectra of bounded linear operators, J. Spectr. Theory
- S. Chandler-Wilde, E. Spence, Coercive second-kind boundary integral equations for the Laplace Dirichlet problem on Lipschitz domains, Numerische Mathematik
- N. Filonov, M. Levitin, I. Polterovich, D. A. Sher, Uniform enclosures for the phase and zeros of Bessel functions and their derivatives, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
- C. Badea, S. Grivaux, Around Furstenberg’s times p, times q conjecture: times p-invariant measures with some large Fourier coefficients, Discrete Analysis
- R. O’Loughlin, J. A. Virtanen, Crouzeix’s conjecture for classes of matrices, Linear Algebra Appl.
- S. Chandler-Wilde, R. Hagger, K.-M. Perfekt, J. Virtanen, On the spectrum of the double-layer operator on locally-dilation-invariant Lipschitz domains, Numer. Math.
- E. Clark, N. Katzourakis, On isosupremic vectorial minimisation problems in l∞ with general nonlinear constraints, Adv. Calc. Var.
N. Filonov, M. Levitin, I. Polterovich, D. Sher, Pólya’s conjecture for Euclidean balls, Invent. Math.
- Z. Hu, J. Virtanen, IDA and Hankel operators on Fock spaces, Anal. PDE
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, S. Chandler-Wilde, S. Fliss, C. Hazard, K.-M. Perfekt, Y. Tjandrawidjaja, The complex-scaled half-space matching method, SIAM J. Math. Anal.
- S. Chandler-Wilde, E. Spence, Coercivity, essential norms, and the Galerkin method for second-kind integral equations on polyhedral and Lipschitz domains. Numer. Math.
- Z. Hu, J. Virtanen, Schatten class Hankel operators on the Segal-Bargmann space and the Berger-Coburn phenomenon. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
- C. Judge, S. Mondal, Critical points of Laplace eigenfunctions on polygons, Comm. Partial Differential Equations.
- N. Katzourakis, Generalised vectorial ∞-eigenvalue nonlinear problems for L∞ functionals. Nonlinear Anal.
- M. Levitin, L. Parnovski, I. Polterovich, D. Sher, Sloshing, Steklov and corners: asymptotics of Steklov eigenvalues for curvilinear polygons. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.
- M. Lindström, S. Miihkinen, D. Norrbo, Exact essential norm of generalized Hilbert matrix operators on classical analytic function spaces. Adv. Math.
- H. Gissy, S. Miihkinen, J. Virtanen, On the exponential integrability of conjugate functions. J. Fourier Anal. Appl.
- H. Hedenmalm, A. Wennman, Planar orthogonal polynomials and boundary universality in the random normal matrix model. Acta Math.
- L. Brightmore, G. Gehér, A. Its, V. Korepin, F. Mezzadri, M. Mo, J. Virtanen, Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals separated by one spin in a chain of free fermion. J. Phys. A
- S. Chandler-Wilde, E. Spence, A. Gibbs, V. Smyshlyaev, High-frequency bounds for the Helmholtz equation under parabolic trapping and applications in numerical analysis, SIAM J. Math. Anal.
- C. Judge, S. Mondal, Euclidean triangles have no hot spots. Ann. of Math.
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