Low Temperature OTTLE cell
Low temperature Spectroelectrochemistry not only helps study unstable electro-generated intermediates at room temperature, but also serves to investigate temperature-dependent properties of complexes. The first successful prototype of the unique Low Temperature OTTLE cell covering the whole UV-Vis-NIR-IR region was described in Applied Spectroscopy 1994, 48, 1522. Version 1 has since been cited in 81 publications while Version 2 (with CaF2 windows) has been cited in 41 publications. A significantly improved smaller commercial version of the low temperature OTTLE cell is now available (Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2003, 68, 1687). To date this cell has been employed in seven different laboratories in the UK, Germany, Italy, India and Australia.
Low Temperature OTTLE cell features
In addition to many of the features of our Room Temperature OTTLE cell, our Low Temperature OTTLE cell offers some unique advantages for temperature dependent measurements.
Advanced, Iterative Design:
The product of more than 20 years of iterative design, we are proud to now be able to offer our user’s a cryostatted version of our extremely successful room temperature cell. In combination with the commercially available cryostat Optistat DN (OxfordInstruments), our cell boasts:
- An effective operating range of between 298 and 175 K.
- Efficient and accurate temperature control (elevation and cooling) to within 1 K by using local electronic temperature control.
- Crossed pairs of CaF2 (for IR) and Quartz (for UV-VIS) windows. Coming in 2019, Version 3 – with diverse window materials!
- Rapid & complete electrolysis; even close to low temperature limits of electrolytes.