Join the Team

Are you interested in the kind of research the Tan Emotion Laboratory (TEmo-Lab) are conducting and would like to get involved? We are always happy to have talented and motivated people joining our team. There are opportunities to get involved at various career stages.

If you are looking to conduct post-doctoral research, please get in touch, so we can discuss fit and funding opportunities.

If you would like to join us as a doctoral student to obtain a PhD, please familiarise yourself with the University of Reading Doctoral and Researcher College where you also find information on fees and funding. Please note that there are more external funding opportunities available from inside and outside the UK. Please get in touch with us, so we can discuss your research ideas.

We are also welcoming undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (MSc) students in our team. If you have or are currently conducting a degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Biology, or Health Sciences, the activities in our lab may be a good fit for you. You will have the opportunity to assist us in our ongoing research as an honorary research assistant. Students can join us as volunteer or placement student. Placement students (or interns) generally require a certain number of hours to be completed as part of their degree. We are accepting placement students from the University of Reading and other UK-based or international universities. Please send us an email including details, such as number of hours you would like to complete and the ideal timeframe, and attach your CV.

We look forward to hearing from you!