Project and results
Project 1: Transferable vocabulary
This project included a series of workshops with professional storytellers, musicians and artists teaching Maths-specific vocabulary through creative activities to KS2 children.
For an overview of what we did and preliminary results, see here:
Transferable vocabulary – CreatMult_Oxford_March.Final
Project 2: The Boo Zoo learning App
This project was funded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) scheme at the University of Reading. Two Computer Science students created a learning App for Maths-specific vocabulary for KS2 children who learn English as their Additional Language (EAL).
Boo Zoo is an e-game teaching 12 Maths-specific words through definition, pronunciation and fun interactive activities featuring monsters in a playful virtual zoo environment to promote creative and active vocabulary learning.
The results of the pilot are supportive of our hypothesis that creative engagement with the vocabulary can lead to successful and enjoyable learning of Maths-specific vocabulary. The App gave the opportunity to students to experience enjoyable learning activities outside the traditional class environment and we are looking forward to testing its effectiveness with a wider sample of primary school children.
To learn more about what we did in this UROP project and our results, see here: