University of Reading and NHM Technician Conference

Supported by Partnership Seed-Funding, a Technician Conference was held in the NHM Flett Events Theatre on Monday 17th June 2024. Attended by over 60 members of the technical workforces from both organisations, the event was organised by Alex Sossick (Head of Science Innovation Platforms) and Ranbir Bailey (Molecular Biology Laboratory Manager) at Natural History Museum and Karen Henderson (Director of Research and Innovation) at University of Reading, and aimed to bring together colleagues to highlight synergies in technical research skills and opportunities to collaborate on the development of research infrastructure.

The event also promoted the benefits of the Technician Commitment, which aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians. Through this initiative, links between technical staff at the Natural History
Museum (a prospective signatory of the Commitment) and the University of Reading (a founding signatory)
have been strengthened. Guest speakers from Brunel University, King’s College London, and Canterbury Christ Church University, all members of the London and South-East Regional Network, also presented on their positive experiences of the Commitment.

Staff were treated to tours of various facilities following the talks.

Seed-Funding is available to support the development of collaborative projects to be undertaken by researchers at the University of Reading and the Natural History Museum.