Principal Investigator: Carolina Vasilikou (Co-investigator)
Funding Status:
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The Athens Urban Laboratory was convened as a workshop on 19-21 November 2017 to investigate the role of public space in urban strategies for a city in crisis, through learning from urban activism.
The Urban Laboratory delved into the contemporary culture and nature of public space in the Athenian metropolis. It investigated how public space functions a) as a set of conditions in local areas b) as continuous networks at a city-wide scale, and c) as an agent within the city’s socio-economic processes. Transforming the (re)public aims towards the generation of both local and city-scale public space strategies focusing on opportunities for low-cost and high-impact interventions—a public space acupuncture as a catalyst for urban regeneration. Key objectives include: sustainable urban mobility, the right to the city, public health and well-being, social cohesion, spatial justice, improved access to public amenities and environmental sustainability.
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