Flora Samuel is delivering a keynote at the Royal Society of Architects in Wales Conference in Cardiff, 30 November 2018. https://www.architecture.com/whats-on/rsaw-25th-annual-conference-2018-the-value-of-the-architect
News and Events
Value of Architects project for ACE
Lorraine Farrelly is presenting our work on the Value of Architects to the Architects Council of Europe Assembly 23 November 2018 at Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
CPD workshop on Social Value at RIBA Guerilla Tactics
CPD workshop on Social Value at RIBA Guerilla Tactics – Flora Samuel is leading a workshop for 50 small and medium practices with Riette Oosthuizen HTA Design LLP https://www.architecture.com/-/media/gathercontent/guerrilla-tactics-2018/additional-documents/guerrillatacticscpdday2018pdf.pdf