A new report has been launched from Landscape Decisions’ researchers called: “Making Landscape Decisions to Meet Net Zero Carbon:
Pathways that consider ethics, socio-ecological diversity, and landscape functions.”

This report has been written by a multidisciplinary team. The PI of the AALERproject, Dr. Eirini Saratsi, is the second co-author of the report, and other researchers from AALERT have also contributed such as Chris Fremantle and Katharine Earnshaw.

This report offers key recommendations in landscape decision-making to address some of the contradictions of the current net zero carbon strategy. It focuses on three key landscape types (agricultural, peatlands and forests), and how they can absorb the impact of potential zero-carbon policies.

This report integrates perspectives from natural and social science, humanities, and the arts.

Key messages from the report for policymakers, stakeholders, and academics:

  1. To invest in transdisciplinary approaches for landscape management decisions
  2. To ensure the right ecosystem is promoted in the right place, with no single land-use solution prioritised above others
  3. To increase local and devolved decision-making capabilities.

Read the whole report here: