Knowledge Base

Research Data Storage Service


Research Data Storage Service provides researchers with on campus access to secure and resilient storage with the option of off- site backup.

All storage is accessible from Windows, Linux and MacOS via SMB or NFS although we are unable to offer mixed access.

More information can be found on the IT Service Portal.

How to access

Research Data Storage subscription can be purchased or renewed via IT Service Portal under the Research Data Storage and Unix Home Directories tag.

NFS exports are mounted on /storage/.

SMB shares are accessible using the UNC \\\research.


  Standard (formerly Silver) Protected (formerly Gold) Archive (TBC)
Snapshots Yes (3 Months retention) Yes (3 Months retention) No
Backups No Yes (3 Months retention) No
Suggested use Research Data for access on campus and processing on RACC As standard where it is not easy to recreate the data

Data that needs to be kept but not read. Recovering files so they can be read need to be done to a standard or protected share and may incur an additional charge (TBC)

NTFS permission

Data protection level
Two copies of each file are stored in one location Two copies stored in one locations with offsite cloud backup in UK 3 copies stored in one location in UK or 3 copies in 3 global locations TBC
Cost per TB – 2024-2025 £195 £295 £100


Subscription Portal

Share owners and managers can find out information on the shares that they own by logging in to the Subscriptions Portal.


Expired volumes

In order to ensure fair usage, lapsed storage which is not renewed will be marked as read-only for one month. After one month, the lapsed volume will be deleted along with all remaining data.

Research Data Archive


The University of Reading Research Data Archive is a multidisciplinary online service for the registration, preservation and publication of research data produced or collected at the University of Reading.

The Archive will enable you to comply with the University Research Data Management Policy and any relevant funder policy for the long-term preservation/sharing of research data.

In particular you can:

  • Create and publish an online metadata record for a digital and/or non-digital dataset;
  • Generate a unique permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your dataset, so that it can be easily cited and linked to;
  • Deposit digital data files and related documentation for long-term preservation and access;
  • License your data and use access settings to control how your data files can be accessed and used.

How to access

This service is managed by the Library and can be accessed via the Research Data Archive web page.

Note: This service is not offered directly by IT.

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