We are interested in whether autism traits influence how adults make sense of colour concepts. The study is specifically investigating whether individuals with high autism traits treat vague colour concepts as more sharply defined than individuals with low ASD traits.
We are inviting adults aged 18+, who do not possess an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, to take part in the study. We hope the study’s results will give us insight into the cognition and processing of individuals with autism. The study should take no longer than 15 minutes and requires a computer or laptop.
To find out more about the study and to take part, please click on the following link: https://www.psytoolkit.org/cgi-bin/psy2.6.1/survey?s=uwxsK
Please email Dr Tom Loucas (t.loucas@reading.ac.uk) or student Eve Warburton (e.warburton@student.reading.ac.uk) if you would like any more information.
This application has been reviewed by the University Research Ethics Committee and has been given a favourable ethical opinion for conduct.