We are currently looking for parents of children with sensory processing or sensory integration difficulties to take part in an online study “Parents of children with sensory integration difficulties: what helps?” which takes around 15 minutes to complete. You will be asked to answer a series of questions and scales about your experiences as a parent in everyday life, what has been helpful and what additional support you would like.
This study has received ethical approval by the PCLS School Ethics Research Committee, University of Reading, project 2019-191-FK, end date 01-01-21.
If you live in the UK or Ireland, are 18 years or older, have a child with sensory processing or sensory integration difficulties that impact everyday life and would like to participate please follow the link below:
Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might be interested.
If you have any questions, please contact s.c.f.allen@pgr.reading.ac.uk