Dr Steven Bosworth and Dr Eugene McSorley are co-directors of the BESS Lab.
Dr Steven Bosworth

Associate Professor of Economics
Dr Eugene McSorley

Associate Professor of Psychology
McSorley, E., McCloy, R. and Lyne, C. (2012) The spatial impact of visual distractors on saccade latency. Vision Research, 60 (1). pp. 61-72. ISSN 0042-6989 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2012.03.007
McSorley, E. and Cruickshank, A. G. (2010) Evidence that indirect inhibition of saccade initiation improves saccade accuracy. iPerception, 1 (2). pp. 73-82. ISSN 2041-6695 doi: https://doi.org/10.1068/i0388
Cruickshank, A. G. and McSorley, E. (2009) Involuntary inhibition of movement initiation alters oculomotor competition resolution. Experimental Brain Research, 193 (3). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0014-4819 doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-008-1645-9
McSorley, E. and McCloy, R. (2009) Saccadic eye movements as an index of perceptual decision-making. Experimental Brain Research, 198 (4). pp. 513-520. ISSN 0014-4819 doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-009-1952-9
McSorley, E., Cruickshank, A. G. and Inman, L. A. (2009) The development of the spatial extent of oculomotor inhibition. Brain Research, 1298. pp. 92-98. ISSN 0006-8993 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2009.08.081
McSorley, E., Haggard, P. and Walker, R. (2009) The spatial and temporal shape of oculomotor inhibition. Vision Research, 49 (6). pp. 608-614. ISSN 0042-6989 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2009.01.015
Walker, R. and McSorley, E. (2008) The influence of distractors on saccade target selection: saccade trajectory effects. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1995-8692
Liversedge, S.P., Rayner, K., White, S.J., Findlay, J.M. and McSorley, E. (2006) Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading. Current Biology, 16 (17). pp. 1726-1729. ISSN 0960-9822 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2006.07.051
McSorley, E., Haggard, P. and Walker, R. (2006) Time course of oculomotor inhibition revealed by saccade trajectory modulation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96 (3). pp. 1420-1424. ISSN 0022-3077 doi: https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00315.2006
Walker, R. and McSorley, E. (2006) The parallel programming of voluntary and reflexive saccades. Vision Research, 46 (13). pp. 2082-2093. ISSN 0042-6989 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2005.12.009
McSorley, E., Haggard, P. and Walker, R. (2005) Spatial and temporal aspects of oculomotor inhibition as revealed by saccade trajectories. Vision Research, 45 (19). pp. 2492-2499. ISSN 0042-6989 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2005.04.012
Ludwig, C.J.H., Gilchrist, I.D. and McSorley, E. (2005) The remote distractor effect in saccade programming: channel interactions and lateral inhibition. Vision Research, 45 (9). pp. 1177-1190. ISSN 0042-6989 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2004.10.019
Ludwig, C.J.H., Gilchrist, I.D., McSorley, E. and Baddeley, R.J. (2005) The temporal impulse response underlying saccadic decisions. Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (43). pp. 9907-9912. ISSN 0270-6474 doi: https://doi.org/10.1523/jneurosci.2197-05.2005
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