The Bilingualism in The Brain lab is pleased to invite everyone to a public event on 21st February – International Mother Language Day – at the University of Reading. The title of the event is “Learning languages for a healthy brain”, and it will be specifically addressed to non-experts in bilingualism!

Date: 21 February 2019 

Time: 20:00-22:00

Location: Room G01, Building L022, London Road campus, University of Reading, Reading

Book your place here

About this event: Evidence increasingly suggests that speaking more than one language is good for your mind and brain. This is because bilinguals must constantly choose which language they will use each time, while preventing the non-relevant language from interfering. Inevitably, this “trains” the brain to be more flexible when switching between languages. This process not only causes the structure of the brain to physically change, but it also applies to a variety of other tasks that have nothing to do with language learning and using, and it might even prove beneficial in older age.

In this event, researchers from the Bilingualism in the Brain lab at the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism will explain what language learning can do for you, and the importance of its effects for young and older healthy learners and users of additioanl languages, as well as bilingual patients with neurodegeneration. This will be done with interactive discussions and activities which will explain recent discoveries in the field.

For more information related to the work in our lab, check this post from the blog of the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism at the University of Reading, as well as the YouTube video below
