Join the lab

Expressions of interest are invited by students interested in carrying out doctoral research in the lab. PhD students typically work towards either a PhD in NeurosciencePsycholinguistics, or Clinical Language Sciences, depending on the focus of their project.

There are several annual competitions for PhD funding available for UK, EU and international students. This includes funding via the University of Reading, the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, and via the ESRC SeNSS Doctoral Training Partnership. More information about funding can be found on the Graduate School Webpage. The first step towards PhD study would be to contact the Principal Investigator (Christos Pliatsikas) of the lab who will direct you further with regards to the application process and in mentoring your writing of a PhD research proposal.

Prospective Postdoctoral Researchers
We would be very keen to hear from you if you are interested in completing a postdoc in our lab. Funding for such positions is largely external. However, we have considerable experience in successfully mentoring prospective postdocs to obtain such funding. Depending on your background, applications could include but are not limited to the ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (EU funded), the Leverhulme Trust Fellowship or the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship. These are applied for in conjunction with a permament member of staff. Additionally, when we have external grant funding that includes funding for postdocs, these positions will be advertised widely. Please contact us if you are interested in applying for postdoctoral funding to join our lab.

Academic visitos

We welcome academic visitors including students, post docs and other researchers to our lab from around the world each year. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch by either emailing us.