
My colleague Ian Cunnings and I have just been awarded $9,892 by the journal Language Learning, which will allow us to host a RoundTable meeting on the 30th of August, right before the annual EuroSLA meeting at the University of Reading. The title of this half-day event will be Nativelike Attainment in Second Language Acquisition: How and When?“, and the programme of the talks will be as follows (final order of the presentations tbc):

1. Nativelike attainment in second language acquisition: How and when?
Introduction, Ian Cunnings and Christos Pliatsikas

2. Comparing on-line reaction time measures to off-line (metalinguistic) responses:
What can they tell us about grammatical knowledge and ultimate attainment in SLA?
Presentation by Leah Roberts

3. Nativelike and targetlike attainment: Two sides of the same coin?
Presentation by Holger Hopp

4. What can ERPs tell us about native-like processing in an L2?
Presentation by Darren Tanner

5. Structural and functional plasticity associated with learning in bilinguals
Presentation by Gigi Luk

6. Roundtable discussion
Chaired by Theo Marinis 

All invited talks will be 30 mins long, followed by 10 mins of questions by the audience.

We are excited with this meeting and we look forward to welcoming the EuroSLA delegates to our event!