
The Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM) at the University of Reading (UK) is inviting proposals for presentations at Eurosla 27 which will take place from 30th August until 2nd September, 2017. All areas and approaches to the study of bilingual, second/foreign/ multiple additional language learning, acquisition and processing are welcome. The conference website with further details will go live shortly.

We look forward to welcoming you to Reading next year.

The Eurosla local organising committee

Jeanine Treffers-Daller (Chair), Fraibet Aveledo, Ian Cunnings, Michael Daller, Suzanne Graham, Theo Marinis, Christos Pliatsikas, Jason Rothman and Parvaneh Tavakoli


Eurosla 27

Dates: 30th August – 2nd September 2017

Venue: Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism, University of Reading (UK)

Keynote speakers

Holger Hopp (University of Braunschweig): L2 Sentence Processing: Building structure from words

Norbert Schmitt (University of Nottingham): After 25 years of researching vocabulary: A personal reflection on where vocabulary research needs to go next

Nuria Sebastian-Galles (University Pompeu Fabra): Dividing seas of words: How bilingual input shapes early language acquisition

Stefanie Wulff (University of Florida): What corpus-linguistics can contribute to second language acquisition research

Language Learning Roundtable (contingent on funding from Language Learning)

The theme of the Language Learning Roundtable will be: Nativelike Attainment in Second Language Acquisition: How and When?

Gigi Luk (Harvard School of Education), Holger Hopp (Braunschweig University of Technology), Leah Roberts (York), Darren Tanner (University of Illinois at Urbana Campaign).

Abstract submission information

The submission of presentation proposals opens on Monday 30th January 2017, and closes on Monday 27th February 2017. The proposals are submitted by filling in an online form (website to go live shortly).

Types of presentations: 1) paper, 2) poster, 3) colloquium, with thematically related papers, discussion and audience participation.

Length of abstracts: paper or poster (max. 300 words, excluding references), colloquium (max. 500 words, including titles of papers but no mention of presenters by name. If a colloquium proposal is accepted, an abstract will be requested for each paper, max 300 words).

Length of presentations in the conference:

Paper: 20 min. and 10 min. for discussion and change of rooms

Colloquium: 90 or 180 min.

Poster format:

Poster size: A1, max, landscape or portrait

Doctoral student workshop

The doctoral student workshop will take place on Wednesday 30th August 2017. It is intended to serve as a platform for discussion of ongoing PhD research and obtain feedback from senior researchers. PhD students are invited to submit an abstract for a 10-15-minute presentation.

These sessions are an opportunity for PhD students to present their work and discuss future directions. Students whose abstracts are accepted will then be required to send their paper to a discussant (a senior researcher). The discussant will lead a 10-15-minute feedback/discussion session on their work.

Presenter policy: Each participant can appear as the first author of one presentation only. A colloquium convener can also present at the colloquium or elsewhere in the programme.

The proposals for all presentations will be evaluated anonymously by at least two members of the Eurosla Scientific committee. The criteria include the quality of the content and the clarity of the abstract, contribution to the field.

Student stipends

As in previous years, several student stipends will be available for doctoral students.

If you wish to apply, please send the following information to (Eurosla27reading.ac.uk) before 27 February 2017:

Name, institution, and address of institution;
Curriculum vitae (attached);
Official confirmation of a PhD student status;
Statement (email) from supervisor or head of Department that the applicant’s institution cannot (fully) cover the conference-related expenses.

Presentation acceptances will be sent out by 25th April, 2017.

Key dates

30th January, 2017: Abstract submission opens

27th February, 2017: Abstract submission deadline

24th April, 2017: Notification of acceptance

24th April, 2017 – 5th June 2017: Early bird registration

6th June, 2017 – 15th August: Full fee registration

12th June, 2017: Registration deadline for the presenters

For any queries, please email Eurosla27reading.ac.uk