A warm welcome to Toms Voits, the new addition to our lab! Toms will conduct a series of longitudinal studies investigating the effects of bilingualism on cognition and brain structure and function in patients with dementia and in healthy older adults! This exciting project is funded by a University of Reading Anniversary Studentship, and will be co-supervised by Holly Robson and Jason Rothman.



And here is a photo of our lab, with a very special guest! From left to right: Vince DeLuca, Noam Chomsky, Christos Pliatsikas, Toms Voits. From a recent visit by professor Chomsky to the University of Reading.

If you too are interested in pursuing a PhD in our lab, feel free to email at c.pliatsikas[at]reading.ac.uk,  or use the contact form.

Welcome Toms!