A very warm welcome to our new PhD recruits! Najla Alrwaita will conduct a study on diglossia in Saudi Arabia, Michal Kořenář will be investigating bilingualism and creativity, whereas Jia’en Yee will be looking at the effects of orthographic transparency in the bilingual brain! We are all very exciting to have them around in what promise to be very interesting research projects! See here for details

At the same time, (now Dr) Vincent DeLuca is leaving us for pastures new, specifically to start a postdoc at the University of Birmingham on bilingualism and the brain, following up nicely from his PhD work. Vince has been the first PhD student of the lab, and central to its creation and proliferation, so he will surely be missed (but he will be kept on speed dial, there are still tons of data to analyse!)

In the meantime, the Language, Development and Ageing research division of our School invites applications for a new round of PhD studentships. Here is the official announcement:


PhD Studentships in Language Sciences at the University of Reading

The School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading is inviting applicants for PhD studentships to work on topics within the Language, Development and Ageing Research Division. This research division conducts research in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, language development, bi-/multilingualism, and language disorders. We are looking for students interested in pursuing PhD projects along these broad themes. Successful applicants will have full access to facilities within the School, which include eye-tracking, TMS, EEG and MRI, and will become members of various labs and research centres across the School and university. This includes the Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Lab and the Acquired Brain and Communication  Disorders Lab within the School, and the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism and the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics across the university. A number of PhD studentships are currently available for study beginning in October 2019, as described below.

SeNNS Doctoral Training Partnership

The University of Reading is part of the ESRC funded SeNSS Doctoral Training Partnership which awards studentships for either 3-year PhD study, or combined MSc/PhD study involving a 1-year MSc followed by 3-year PhD. These studentships are open to UK and EU residents on a fees + yearly stipend basis (for UK residents) or a fees only basis (for EU residents). The final deadline for applications for these studentships is in January, but we encourage applicants to contact potential supervisors as soon as possible to discuss their projects.

University International Research Studentships The University of Reading also offers studentships to international (non-UK/EU) students. This year, up to seven International Research Studentships will be available across the university. These awards may be made on a fees + stipend basis, or on a fees-only basis. The deadline for applications for International Studentships is January 31st, 2019.

Further information on all schemes is available via the university’s Graduate School Website . Interested applicants should contact the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at pcls.pgr@reading.ac.uk to register their interest in applying. Interested applications should also contact potential supervisors at Reading (see staff list within the School here) to discuss their proposal and application.