We are very happy to have been informed that our lab will be represented with four presentations at the upcoming Society for the Neurobiology of Language conference! These are (click on the links for abstracts):

Voits, T., Robson, H., Rothman, J., & Pliatsikas, C.: Beyond dementia: The interaction of bilingualism and neurodegeneration

DeLuca, V., Bialystok, E., Rothman, J, & Pliatsikas, C.: Bilingualism is a Spectrum: Effects of specific language experiences on brain function and executive control in bilinguals

Pliatsikas, C., DeLuca., V, Meteyard, L., Ullman, M.: Bilingualism interacts with age-related cortical thinning in children and adolescents

Pliatsikas, C: Understanding structural plasticity in the multilingual brain: The Dynamic Restructuring Hypothesis. Talk at the Satellite Symposium The Bilingual Brain – A Lifelong Perspective

Exciting times ahead! See you in Quebec City!