Justus Haucap (ROSES)

Title: Does crowd support drive the home advantage in professional soccer? Evidence from German ghost games during the COVID-19 pandemic About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised...Read More >

Emma Riley + Lukas Hensel (External Seminar)

Talk 1: Emma Riley, "Resisting sharing pressure in the household using mobile money: Experimental evidence on microenterprise investment in Uganda" Abstract: I examine whether changing the way microfinance loans are...Read More >

Su-Min Lee + Shuyi Ge (External Seminar)

Talk 1: Shuyi Ge, "Text-based linkages and local risk spillovers in equity markets" Time: 14:30 - 15:15 BST Abstract: One stylised fact of asset returns is that the interconnectedness in...Read More >

Stefan Szymanski (ROSES)

Title: On the incidence of an ad valorem tax: the adoption of VAT in the UK and cost pass through by English football clubs About ROSES: An online series of...Read More >

Daniel Weimar (ROSES)

Title: A Bright Spot for a Small League: Social Media Performance in a Football League without a COVID-19 Lockdown About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by...Read More >