Online Launch Workshop | Thursday 19 May 12–2pm on MS Teams

We are delighted to invite you to participate in our online launch workshop for the Nuffield Foundation funded project entitled Maternal Well-Being, and the Conflict between Infant Feeding and Return to Work Decisions.


The workshop will provide information about the project and how you can become involved with the project, and will introduce the project research team. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for you as stakeholders to feed into the project design and help build a shared understanding of challenges faced
by mothers and employers.

About the Project:

This three-year project runs from April 2022-March 2025 and is funded by the Nuffield Foundation. At the heart of this study is an exploration of the well-being, opportunities and experiences of new mothers who want to continue to breastfeed on return to paid work. The project will provide a better understanding of infant feeding decisions, the conflict with return to paid work, experiences across different demographic groups; and the resulting impact of these decisions on maternal well-being. It will help identify strengths and weaknesses in existing workplace policy to inform best practice to support mothers wanting to combine breastfeeding and paid work. The project is being led by Dr Sarah Jewell from the Department of Economics at the University of Reading and the research team includes Professor Marina Della Giusta, Dr Sam Rawlings, Professor Grace James and Dr Sylvia Jaworska.

The project has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation, but the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the Foundation. Visit

For more information about the project please see here.

Attendance is free.

To register your interest please contact:
Michelle Nand

or Sarah Jewell