The Institute of Education’s annual Postgraduate Research (PGR) Conference took place virtually on 1st July 2020 and was a great success.
The opening keynote speech, by Dr. Natthapoj Vincent Trakulphadetkrai (IoE’s Director of Research Communications), inspired our doctoral students to actively think about the importance of research communications and how it could help to generate research impact.
The day then continued with seven research presentations by staff and students in the morning and further seven presentations in the afternoon. The presentations reflected a wide range of fascinating educational research topics being investigated here at the IoE. During lunchtime, our conference delegates also had an opportunity to explore six pre-recorded presentations by PGR students, who due to work commitments or due to living in a different time zone, were unable to participate in the conference in real time. Screen recordings of the different parts of the conference were made and shared internally with members of the IoE community.
The conference finished with Professor Cathy Tissot (Head of the IoE) leading the celebration of achievements of some of our doctoral students.
The day was a great opportunity to learn about some of the outstanding research taking place here at the IoE and to create a sense of community within our research students and staff.
Well done to the Conference Organising Committee (Beverley Jennings, Chengcheng Guo, Emine Serap Karacan, Fatima Zahra Abbou and Meliha Sakin) for helping to ensure that this is a success conference.
The full programme of the conference can be found here, and conversations relating to this conference can be found on Twitter here.