Research-based evidence provided by Prof. Carol Fuller (Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Reading) is included in a new inquiry report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Domestic Violence and Abuse.
The report, titled ‘The Road to Recovery Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Domestic Abuse Survivors’, is part of the APPG’s inquiry into domestic abuse and mental health, and highlights that “evidence to this inquiry has illustrated that survivors not only face a myriad of barriers in trying to access support, but the support available often falls short of meeting their needs.”
Drawing from her Marvellous Mums research project, Prof. Fuller – together with one of her project’s research participants – wrote and submitted evidence which highlights the lack of support around mental health for women experiencing domestic abuse, which further exasperates their sense of vulnerability and worthlessness
To learn more about Prof. Fuller’s research interests, click here. She tweets at @ProfCarolFuller.