Research findings by Dr. Rachel Roberts (Associate Professor of English Education, University of Reading) were cited in a recent Times Educational Supplement (TES) article.
The article, titled ‘6 key trends from the DfE’s new A-level results data’, provides insights into the latest data on the A-level exam results as recently released by the Department for Education. One such insight is how top grades in STEM subjects outnumber those in the arts.
Drawing from interview data collected as part of her research into attitudes towards studying English at A level and beyond, Dr. Roberts (who is also the chair of the National Association for the Teaching of English) was cited by TES as saying “A core reason for those choosing to do other subjects than English at A level (and beyond) was the emphasis that they felt their school (and society more generally) put on Stem”.
To learn more about Dr. Roberts’ research interests, please click here. She tweets at @Runrober.