In late November and early December, Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading) was invited to speak about his recent projects from different organisations.
Dr. Wong shared his research on the educational experiences of underrepresented university students to critical care medical consultants from Royal Berkshire Hospital (22nd November), and discussed how the findings may be applicable to medical trainees and newly qualified doctors. This in-person event was a part of a staff awayday.
Later that month, Dr. Wong spoke to staff online at Brunel University’s College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, and shared his research on the degree awarding gap (29th November). Dr Wong referred to his Student Experiences in STEM (SESTEM) project, a 3-year study funded by the University of Reading.
In early December, Dr. Wong was invited by colleagues from Havering Colleges, part of New City College, London (7th December), to talk to staff about his Supporting the Identity Development of Underrepresented Students (SIDUS) project, funded by Imperial College London, with a focus on the resources that were produced to support an inclusive environment. The event took place online.
Lastly, Dr. Wong discussed his ‘ideal’ student research to colleagues in the Department of Science Education at the University of Copenhagen (8th December), alongside the concept of the ‘implied’ student, with Professor Lars Ulriksen. The online seminar included staff and doctoral students.
For more information on Dr. Wong’s research, visit his staff profile page here. You can also follow him on Twitter here.