Welcome to our research website
Here you can find information about our research, upcoming events and news as well as find resources and ideas to use.
Our research addresses the overarching aim of improved education and learning. We work hard to enhance self-efficacy, economic well-being and life chances for all. Our research does make a difference and because of this we want to share it with you. So, do take a look and if something interests you and you would like to know more, please do let us know!
We are proud of our national and international reputation for impactful research. We are also proud that we make important contributions to theory across the education, language and learning spectrum.
In the latest UK Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021):
- 84% increase in our 4* research outputs since REF 2014
- 100% of environment submission rated 4* and 3* (conducive to producing internationally excellent research & very considerable impact)