Measuring, unlocking and harnessing demand-side flexibility

Demand-side flexibility means adjusting when and how we use electricity. This is an important part of a Net Zero energy system because it helps use renewable energy sources like solar and wind more effectively. It also has the potential to manage the expected increase in demand from electric vehicles and heating systems.

The Flexibility theme assesses the need for and the impacts of demand-side flexibility. It explores the solutions that can deliver effective and equitable demand-side flexibility. Flexibility in energy demand offers great value to the energy system as it allows for making the most of renewable energy sources and available electricity network capacity. It also supports grid balancing services and improves system resilience in a cost-effective manner.

Our research looks at how we can use electricity flexibly. It figures out what kind of technology we need to make this happen and who gets the advantages from it. It also explores how we can make sure everyone can benefit from it and how it might change in the future.

Lead Organisation EDRC: University of Sussex

Lead Organisation Flexibility Theme: University of Reading

Flexibility Partners: Cardiff University, UCL, Imperial, Newcastle University , University of Birmingham

University of Reading PI (Co-Director): Prof. Jacopo Torriti

PDRA: Dr Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola

Start and End Date: June 2023 – June 2028