The research team in Reading have carried out extensive participatory research with local Whitley residents to understand their ‘views about food’. These outputs have helped to shape the ongoing research – the team is now developing a new pulse-based snack product as a healthier snack option to traditional potato crisps. The introduction of a weekly fruit and veg stall at the community hub, Whitley Community Development Association (WCDA) as part of the Fresh Street voucher scheme being tested within the FoodSEqual-Health project has provided access to high quality, fresh produce for local residents. Another key request from the community.
The Whitley Community Researchers have played a vital role during this research co-developing workshops and food events using co-developed participatory methods to better understand the aspirations of their community.
The posters below summarise the research findings and our next steps.
B31785 PDRA Research Leaflet A4 JS v3_AccessibleB31785 PDRA Research Posters A2 JS v2
B31785 PDRA Research Posters A2 JS v2
Further updates will be added as the research continues.