About This Project

Around 10% of the population identifies as being part of the LGBTQ+ community, and many people who are LGBTQ+ started to question their sexuality and gender identity whilst still at primary school. Such issues can be complex and sensitive to discuss with children and for them to be able to articulate. Helping children feel comfortable discussing issues around their sexuality or gender identity, or that of others, is challenging. For parents and teachers such discussion can also be potentially uncomfortable.

Through this project, our team wish to support teachers and parents to work together to explore ways to talk to children about these issues, by looking at how the school can bring these issues into the classroom, in a way that parents and carers are comfortable with. Read our full project summary here.

The project is based around workshops, where teachers and parents work together, with input from members of the project team. The first workshop introduces the ‘CAFÉ’ model of working together, an initial sharing of experiences of LGBTQ+ matters, and a discussion of perceived issues. This discussion is supported by members of the project team, who share their personal primary school experiences of being LGBTQ+, and an overview of different research findings conducted by the research team.