LGBTQ+ Research

Here you will find summaries and links to other research which you may find of interest related to LGBTQ+ matters.

What does research tell us about parental reactions to teaching LGBTQ+ issues in primary school?

Research reveals teachers’ concerns about negative parental reactions to LGBTQ+ topics in primary school, though many parents are supportive if approached sensitively. Parental views are mixed, with some opposition but also considerable support.

LGBTQ+ and Transgender History

Transgender history has become a rapidly expanding area of research over the past decades. Here you can find a brief summary of the work of some pioneering experts in the field.

4Ps Project: Supporting the Development of Practitioners and Parents Partnerships

This study looked at bringing parents and practitioners together in a way that helped them to all focus on the interests, needs, and strengths of children. This requires support and exposure in government policymaking, curriculum development and other policy types.

LGBTQ Kids, School Safety, and Missing the Big Picture

This paper focuses on discourses around bullying in US schools and offers an interesting argument that such discourses often focus on LGBTQ+ students as victims of individuals, who use language to express homophobic attitudes.

Stonewall Report: The experiences of LGBTQ+ pupils in Britain’s schools

Stonewall have conducted a series of surveys of LGBTQ+ youngsters since 2007. This report gathered the views and experiences of over 3700 young people who identified as LGBTQ+.

Richard Harris’ Research

Dr Richard Harris specialises in the practice of history teaching, action research, curriculum policy and development, diversity, citizenship, trainee teacher/teacher development and transgender issues.

Maria Kambouri’s Research

Dr Maria Kambouri’s research is mainly interested in the theoretical and practical conditions necessary for the development of successful partnerships and in the context of early years education but also in relation to working in parentship with research participants and university students.