About us
Observations, modelling and theory of cloud processes
Welcome to the Remote Sensing and Clouds group here in the Meteorology Department at Reading University.
We study cloud processes (microphysical, dynamical and radiative) using a variety of techniques ranging from observations of real clouds to idealised theory and models of individual processes. We also use state of the art remote-sensing observations to study clouds (and other processes in the atmosphere), and develop new measurement techniques and retrieval methods.
We have close links to the Chilbolton Observatory, which hosts a suite of radars, lidars, radiometers and other remote-sensing / meteorological instrumentation.
Recent Research
Group Meetings
We meet most weeks during term time, 2-3pm on Thursdays in BH 1L43 (and also on MS Teams).
All are welcome, please contact Jen Stout (j.r.stout@pgr.reading.ac.uk) for more information, or if you would like to volunteer to give a talk.
Current Term Rota
We are currently meeting remotely in the Teams group.