Academic staff
Professor Giles Harrison
Giles Harrison is professor of atmospheric physics. His research interests span atmospheric electricity, eclipse meteorology, volcanic plume electrification, solar-terrestrial relationships and novel weather measurements.
Professor Mike Lockwood
Prof. Lockwood has wide-ranging interests in solar-terrestrial physics from the solar corona to the upper atmosphere and in solar influences on global and regional climates. Currently working in constructing a space weather climatology that extends back over the past 400 year using models and analysis of space-age data.
Professor Chris Scott
Chris Scott studies the impact of the Sun and Solar wind on the Earth and its atmosphere. Research topics include; improving space-weather forecasting, the ionospheric enhancement in response to lightning; solar wind influence on lightning rates and long-term changes in the ionosphere. He has also been investigating the response of the ionosphere to solar eclipses.
Headshot of Prof. Mathew Owens Professor Mathew Owens
Mathew Owens is Professor of Space Physics. He is primarily interested in the solar wind and its space weather impact.
Dr Keri Nicoll
Dr Keri Nicoll is a NERC Independent Research Fellow investigating the effect of energetic particles on atmospheric processes. Her wide range of research areas include atmospheric electricity, ionisation and aerosol charging processes, instrument development, and airborne measurements from balloons and unmanned aircraft.
Headshot of Dr James O'Donoghue Dr James O’Donoghue
Dr James O’Donoghue is a STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow.
Research staff
Headshot of Dr Luke Barnard Dr Luke Barnard
Dr Luke Barnard is a postdoctoral researcher in space weather. He is interested what we can learn about coronal mass ejections and the solar wind from Heliospheric Imager instruments, in particular using data assimilation and citizen science approaches.
Dr Harriet Turner
Dr Harriet Turner is a postdoctoral researcher in space weather and data assimilation. She works on developing the BRaVDA data assimilation scheme and investigates how this affects the performance of solar wind and coronal mass ejection forecasts.
PhD students
Blair McGinness
Blair’s project is titled ‘Venus ionised droplet investigations’ and is supervised by Professor Giles Harrison.
Photo of Caleb Miller Caleb Miller
Caleb’s project is titled ‘Improvement of fog forecasting using atmospheric electricity’ and is supervised by Dr Keri Nicoll.
Headshot of Sarah Watson Sarah Watson
Sarah’s project is titled “Solar wind interactions with planetary bodies” and is supervised by Prof. Chris Scott.
Headshot of Nathaniel Edward-Inatimi Nathaniel Edward-Inatimi
Nathaniel’s project is titled ‘Smarter Ensembls for Space Weather forecasting’ and is supervised by Prof. Mathew Owens and Dr Luke Barnard.