Competition rules
Below are the rules specific for this tournament.
- All matches should be played on the lawn behind the Meteorology Department. Preferably, matches should not be played when the ground is soft as the grass on this lawn is still not well developed. We don’t want to destroy the lawn.
- Each round of the competition must be completed by the set date. Failure to comply with this may result in teams being defaulted. The decision of which teams are defaulted will be at the discretion of the organiser.
- At the end of each game, each team will be awarded the appropriate number of points. One point is scored for each hoop run (in the correct order) by each ball and for each ball pegged out.
- We recommend that the lawn be set up as 3/7 of the size of a full size croquet lawn. (See the sheet in the box for the recommended dimensions for our lawn).
- Because of the size of the lawn the yard line will actually lie 1/2 yard in from the boundary (half a mallets length)
- In this competition, only one pass through each hoop by each ball is required before pegging out. You are not required to go round the course twice as in normal croquet.
- By default, each game will have a time limit of 75 minutes. If no team has pegged out by the end of this time limit, the team currently in play will finish their turn. The opponents will have one further turn, after which play ceases. The team with the highest score will be declared the winner. By mutual agreement of all players before play commences, the time limit may be changed or removed allowing play to continue until one team “pegs out”.
- If, after the time limit has expired and the players have finished their time turns, the scores are still level, play will continue until the first hoop or peg point is scored and that team will be declared the winner.
- All teams are responsible for arranging a mutually convenient time to play their games and for finding an independent person to referee the match (if required).
- At the end of each game, the outcome should be emailed to the organiser of the competition (