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Department of Meteorology – University of Reading

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Departmental seminars

We host two regular seminar series during each semester, on Mondays at 12:00 (normally an external speaker), and on Tuesdays at 13:00 (an internal speaker, such as a member of staff, postdoctoral or PhD researcher). These are usually held in the Sutcliffe Lecture Theatre, room GU01, in the Brian Hoskins Building. Subject to capacity limits, both series are open to all. Click on the links below for the latest seminar schedules. Occasional seminars outside of the regular schedules are normally announced via e-mail within the department.

In addition, on Fridays during each semester we host a weekly weather and climate discussion (WCD) meeting:


Monday Departmental seminar programme 

Mondays 12:00 to 12:50 – Autumn 2024

Location: Sutcliffe Lecture Theatre (GU01), Brian Hoskins Building

All seminars will also be hybrid broadcast on Microsoft Teams (External Seminar Series channel)

For additional information or to arrange a seminar contact Xiaocen Shen and Matthew Patterson

30 Sep Michael Byrne
University of St Andrews
Daily temperature distributions over a range of climate states
7 Oct Jiuwei Zhao
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Pacific warming pattern diversity in models and the consequent projections on tropical cyclone activity
14 Oct Matthew Kasoar
Imperial College London
A negative feedback on El Niño events caused by extreme fire activity in equatorial Asia
21 Oct Cancelled
28 Oct Cyril Morcrette
Met Office
Cloud-resolving model machine learning (“Caramel”)
4 Nov Declan Finney
University of Leeds
Observations and modelling from the Deep Convective Microphysics Experiment (DCMEX) with a focus on anvil cloud radiative effect
11 Nov Mark Hammond
University of Oxford
18 Nov Judah Cohen
Atmospheric and Environmental Research
Mid-latitude cold extremes during the recent period of Arctic amplification
25 Nov Ying Chen
University of Birmingham
Observational evidence of strong aerosol fingerprints on clouds and effect on radiative forcing
2 Dec Ian Hembrow
University of Oxford
Celsius – A Life And Death By Degrees

Sweden’s Enlightenment genius and his lessons for a world in crisis

9 Dec* Kalli Furtado
Centre for Climate Research Singapore
16 Dec* Puxi Li
China Meteorological Administration
Intensification of mesoscale convective systems in the East Asian rainband over the past two decades

* remote speaker

Click here for the latest Departmental Seminar schedule in PDF format

Archive of past Departmental Seminar speakers


Tuesday Lunchtime seminar programme

Tuesdays 13:00 to 13:50 – Autumn 2024

Location: Sutcliffe Lecture Theatre (GU01), Brian Hoskins Building (unless stated otherwise below or in our email communications)

All seminars will also be hybrid broadcast on Microsoft Teams, on the Internal (Tuesday) Seminar Series channel

For additional information or to arrange a seminar contact Jake Aylmer and Dan Shipley

1 Oct Eviatar Bach Machine learning for data assimilation and forecasting (A joint Meteorology−Maths&Stats Seminar)
8 Oct Guannan Hu Assessing the value of observations for numerical weather forecasting
15 Oct Xiaocen Shen A forensic investigation of climate model biases in teleconnections: The case of the relationship between ENSO and the northern stratospheric polar vortex
22 Oct (1L61) Ségolène Berthou             (Met Office) Marine heatwaves around the UK: drivers and feedbacks on the atmosphere
29 Oct (1L61) Claire Bulgin Remote sensing of surface temperature for climate applications
5 Nov (1L61) Peter Clark Developments in parametrization of atmospheric turbulence
12 Nov Laura Risley Implications of velocity control variables in variational ocean data assimilation
19 Nov Blair Mcginness Atmospheric electricity measurements on Earth and Venus
26 Nov Kieran Hunt Western disturbances and climate variability: a review of recent developments
3 Dec Flynn Ames Numerical modelling of Enceladus’ subsurface ocean
10 Dec Joy Singarayer Climate resilience and food production in Peru

Click here for the latest Lunchtime Seminar schedule in PDF format

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