Welcome to the very first blogpost from the OPENER team.

As you will have learnt from our blog so far, we’re committed to opening up science for all! Our ambition is for large-scale public involvement in environmental research, through citizen science, for the benefit of us all. Our planet is in crisis and we need to work together to understand it better. The participation of people from all communities through active participation in environmental science is central to this.
I’m Hilary Geoghegan and I am coordinating this Stage 1 project to create a national vision for what a community around public engagement with environmental research and citizen science in the UK might look like. (Stage 2 (if funded) will be a national scale project to implement our findings and ambitions from Stage 1.)
We are funded by NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) to spend the next 12 months (Oct 17- Oct 18) identifying how we can transform public ‘engagement’ with environmental research from the passive consumption of media-channelled facts, or ad hoc one-off contribution to a single initiative, to an ongoing active and routine engagement with environmental research, participating, questioning and debating. We know this is ambitious and we are keen to work with you to figure out how to make this happen.
The team and I, along with our project partners and many of you too, will have witnessed first hand the actual and potential influence and impact that widespread public participation in science can have in addressing environmental challenges, asking new and important research questions and enabling people to engage on their own terms. We want to support this shift through the development of a generation of researchers who can utilise techniques of successful public engagement and citizen science, as well as appreciate the ethical and social implications of participation and the environmental issues in question.
How are we going to do this? Well, we know we can’t do everything at once (as much as we’d love the resources and capacity to run citizen science projects in every community around the country!) So our broad plan for Stage 1 is to understand the opportunities, barriers and solutions surrounding any potential national coordinated approach to citizen science and public engagement. We will work with other NERC funded projects, project partners, interested individuals, groups, communities and organisations to do this through 5 phases:
Phase 1: Getting organised
October-December 2017 |
Phase 2: Testing the water
January-March 2018 |
Phase 3: Taking stock
April-May 2018 |
Phase 4: Creating a vision
June-July 2018 |
Phase 5: Making some concrete plans
August-October 2018 |
What can you expect from this blog? We know blogs only really work if they are regularly updated. Good news – we’ve done our homework and have some posts ready to go. You can expect weekly/fortnightly posts about existing community assets on good practice around citizen science and public engagement, lessons from overseas, stories from major national and local initiatives, news from events and conferences…
What next – Join us! We really hope that you’ll join us on this journey towards a national community of public engagement with environmental research and citizen science. You can become involved in the following ways:
Join our mailing list and follow us on Twitter
Complete our short online survey to canvas opinion regarding opportunities and barriers for a national community
Take part in and follow the free UCL online course: “Introduction to Citizen Science & Scientific Crowdsourcing” (you can join at any stage)
Contribute to a local community for public engagement with environmental research and citizen science (more to follow shortly)
Showcase your organisation, project or community group on our webpage (you will be invited to do so via our mailing list)