Research Publications

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Arndt, C., Jensen, C. and Wenzelburger, G. (2020) Voters’ wrath? Policy change and government popularity. Governance. ISSN 1468-0491 doi:

Lee, S., Jensen, C., Arndt, C. and Wenzelburger, G. (2020) Risky business? Welfare state reforms and government support in Britain and Denmark. British Journal of Political Science, 50 (1). pp. 165-184. ISSN 1469-2112 doi:

Arndt, C. (2020) Die Folketingswahl in Dänemark vom 6. Juni 2019: Klarer Sieg des linken Lagers. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 50 (4). pp. 777-790. ISSN 0340-1758, doi:

Wenzelburger, G., Jensen, C., Lee, S. and Arndt, C. (2020) How governments strategically time welfare state reform legislation: empirical evidence from five European countries. West European Politics, 43 (6). pp. 1285-1314. ISSN 1743-9655 doi:

Baderin, A. (2020) The continuity of ethics and political theory. The Journal of Politics. ISSN 0022-3816 (In Press)

Baderin, A. (2020) From political self-deception to self-deception in political theory. Ethics and Global Politics. ISSN 1654-6369 (In Press)

Behnke, A. (2020) Drone warfare and the emergence of spaces of exception. In: Bishai, L. S. (ed.) Law, Security and the State of Perpetual Emergency. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 37-65. ISBN 9783030449599 doi:

von Billerbeck, S. (2020) Sociological institutionalism. In: Oksamytna, K. and Karlsrud, J. (eds.) United Nations Peace Operations and International Relations Theory. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526148865

von Billerbeck, S. (2020) No action without talk? UN peacekeeping, discourse, and institutional self-legitimation. Review of International Studies. ISSN 0260-2105 doi:

Binder, M. and Lockwood Payton, A. (2020) With “frenemies” like these: rising power voting behavior in the UN General Assembly. British Journal of Political Science. ISSN 1469-2112 (In Press)

Binder, M. and Heupel, M. (2020) The politics of legitimation in international organizations. Journal of Global Security Studies. ogaa033. ISSN 2057-3170 doi:

Binder, M. and Heupel, M. (2020) Rising powers, UN Security Council reform, and the failure of rhetorical coercion. Global Policy. ISSN 1758-5899 (In Press)

Binder, M. and Golub, J. (2020) Civil conflict and agenda-setting speed in the United Nations Security Council. International Studies Quarterly, 64 (2). pp. 419-430. ISSN 1468-2478 doi:

Cromartie, A. (2020) The testimony of the spirit, the decline of Calvinism, and the origins of restoration rational religion. Journal of Ecclesiastical History. ISSN 1469-7637 doi:

Goettlich, K. (2020) The rise of linear borders. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press. doi:

Golub, J. (2020) Power in the European Union: an evolutionary computing approach. Journal of European Integration. ISSN 0703-6337 (In Press)

Golub, J. (2020) Improving analyses of sanctions busting. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 26 (2). 20190043. ISSN 1554-8597 doi:

Vasilopoulou, S. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2020) Political culture. In: Featherstone, K. and Sotiropoulos, D. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198825104 (In Press)

Halikiopoulou, D. (2020) The political implications of COVID-19: what now for populism? In: Billio, M. and Varotto, S. (eds.) A New World Post COVID-19 Lessons for Business, the Finance Industry and Policy Makers. Edizioni Ca’Foscari, Venice, Italy. ISBN 9788869694424 doi:

Stockemer, D., Halikiopoulou, D. and Vlandas, T. (2020) ‘Birds of a feather’? Assessing the prevalence of anti-immigration attitudes among the far right electorate. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. ISSN 1369-183X doi:

Halikiopoulou, D. and Vlandas, T. (2020) When economic and cultural interests align: the anti- immigration voter coalitions driving far right party success in Europe. European Political Science Review. ISSN 1755-7739 doi:

Halikiopoulou, D. (2020) Economic crisis, poor governance and the rise of populism: the case of Greece. Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 55 (1). pp. 34-37. ISSN 1613-964X doi:

Hellmich, C. (2020) The ideology of al-Qaeda. In: Akbarzadeh, S. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Political Islam. 2nd Edition. Routledge. (In Press)

Holmes, G. (2020) Strengthening UK support for gender responsive, people-centred peacekeeping in Africa. RUSI Journal. ISSN 1744-0378 (In Press)

Holmes, G. (2020) Feminist institutionalism. In: Oksamytna, K. and Karlsrud, J. (eds.) United Nations Peace Operations and International Relations Theory. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526148872

Humphreys, A. (2020) Bull’s political vision – past, present and future. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. ISSN 1474-449X doi:

Humphreys, A. R. C. (2020) Causation in international relations. In: James, P. (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Oxford University Press. doi:

Jubb, R. (2020) Taking back control. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1743-8772 doi:

Allern, E., Hansen, V., Marshall, D., Otjes, S., Poguntke, T. and Saurugger, S. (2020) Conceptualizing and measuring party-interest group relationships. Party Politics. ISSN 1460-3683 doi:

Pakull, D., Marshall, D. and Bernhagen, P. (2020) Shop till you drop? Venue choices of business and non-business interests in the European Union. Interest Groups & Advocacy. ISSN 2047-7414 doi:

Allern, E. H., Hansen, V. W., Marshall, D., Rasmussen, A. and Webb, P. D. (2020) Competition and interaction: party ties to interest groups in a multidimensionalpolicy space. European Journal of Political Research. ISSN 0304-4130 doi:

O’Mahoney, J. (2020) The smiling Buddha effect: Canadian and US policy after India’s 1974 nuclear test. The Nonproliferation Review, 27 (1). ISSN 1746-1766 doi:

Rauta, V. (2020) Framers, founders, and reformers: three generations of proxy war research. Contemporary Security Policy. ISSN 1352-3260 doi:

Rauta, V. (2020) Proxy warfare and the future of conflict: take two. RUSI Journal. ISSN 1744-0378 doi:

Reid, A. (2020) ‘Does Regulating Hate Speech Undermine Democratic Legitimacy? A Cautious ‘No”. Res Publica 26(2): 181-199.

Reid, A. (2020) ‘How Can Political Liberalism Respond to Contemporary Populism?’ European Journal of Political Theory. (Online first).

Reid, A. (2020) ‘Are There ‘Fixed Facts’ in Convergence Accounts of Public Reason?’ Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 9 (2): 5-10.

Shanahan, M. (2020) – Student Communications during the Pandemic – PSA Online Conference, June 2020

Heuser, B., Payne, K. B., Mahnken, T. G., Potter, A. B., Sloan, G., Johnson, J. L., White, K. and Hoffman, F. G. (2020) Remembering Colin Gray. Texas National Security Review. ISSN 2576-1153

Sloan, G. (2020) Sir Halford Mackinder’s democratic ideals and reality: A centennial appreciation. Orbis, 64 (1). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0030-4387 doi:

Heuser, B., Payne, K. B., Mahnken, T. G., Potter, A. B., Sloan, G., Johnson, J. L., White, K. and Hoffman, F. G. (2020) Remembering Colin Gray. Texas National Security Review. ISSN 2576-1153

2020 Whiting, M and S Bauchowitz (2020) The Myth of Power-Sharing and Polarisation: Evidence from Northern Ireland. Political Studies.

Arndt, C. and Thomsen, J. P. F. (2019) Ethnicity coding revisited: right-wing parties as catalysts for mobilization against immigrant welfare rights. Scandinavian Political Studies, 42 (2). pp. 93-117. ISSN 1467-9477 doi:

von Billerbeck, S. (2019) “Mirror, mirror, on the wall”: self-legitimation by international organizations. International Studies Quarterly, 64 (1). pp. 207-219. ISSN 1468-2478 doi:

von Billerbeck, S. and Tansey, O. (2019) Enabling autocracy? Peacebuilding and post-conflict authoritarianism in the Democratic Republic of Congo. European Journal of International Relations, 25 (3). pp. 698-722. ISSN 1460-3713 doi:

Binder, M. and Eisentraut, S. (2019) Negotiating the UN Human Rights Council. Rising powers, established powers and NGOs. In: Stephen, M. and Michael, Z. (eds.) Rising Powers, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Politics of Authority Beyond the Nation-State. Oxford University Press.

Cromartie, A. (2019) Democracy, toleration, and the interests of the people. In: Cuttica, C. and Peltonen, M. (eds.) Democracy and Anti-Democracy in Early Modern England 1603–1689. Brill, Leiden, pp. 45-65. ISBN 978900438586

Goettlich, K. (2019) The rise of linear borders in world politics. European Journal of International Relations, 25 (1). pp. 203-228. ISSN 1460-3713 doi:

Goettlich, K. (2019) ‘On the British Empire Among Empires, and on Property Beyond Sovereignty’, Invited Contribution to Book Symposium on Brenna Bhandar, Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land, and Racial Regimes of Ownership, for

Hutchins, R. D. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Enemies of liberty? Nationalism, immigration and the framing of terrorism in the agenda of the Front National. Nations and Nationalism, 26 (1). pp. 67-84. ISSN 1469-8129 doi:

Vrakopoulos, C. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Vigilantism in Greece: the case of the Golden Dawn. In: Mares, M. and Tore, B. (eds.) Vigilantism Against Migrants and Minorities. Routledge, London and New York.

Vlandas, T. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Does unemployment matter? Economic insecurity, labour market policies and the far-right vote in Europe. European Political Science, 18 (3). pp. 421-438. ISSN 1680-4333 doi:

Bonikowski, B., Halikiopoulou, D., Kaufmann, E. and Rooduijn, M. (2019) Populism and nationalism in a comparative perspective: a scholarly exchange. Nations and Nationalism, 25 (1). pp. 58-81. ISSN 1469-8129 doi:

Rooduijn, M., van Kessel, S., Froio, C., Pirro, A., De Lange, S., Halikiopoulou, D., Lewis, P., Mudde, C. and Taggart, P. (2019) The PopuList: an overview of populist, far right, far left and Eurosceptic parties in Europe. [Dataset]

Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Right-wing populism as a nationalist vision of legitimating collective choice: a supply-side perspective. The International Spectator, 54 (2). pp. 35-49. ISSN 0393-2729 doi:

Halikiopoulou, D. and Vlandas, T. (2019) What is new and what is nationalist about Europe’s new nationalism? Explaining the rise of the far right in Europe. Nations and Nationalism, 25 (2). pp. 409-434. ISSN 1469-8129 doi:

Hellmich, C. (2019) The heart pumps. Or does it? The politics of biomedicine, the objectivity of science and the way we know the world. In: Singh, J. P., Carr, M. and Marlin-Bennett, R. (eds.) Worldviews in Science, Technology and Art in International Relations. Routledge. ISBN 9781138668973

Holmes, G. and Buscaglia, I. (2019) Rebranding Rwanda’s peacekeeping identity during post-conflict transition. In: Grayson, H. and Hitchcott, N. (eds.) Rwanda Since 1994: Stories of Change. Francophone Postcolonial Studies (10). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 104-124. ISBN 9781786941992

Holmes, G. (2019) Enhancing operational effectiveness? Pre-deployment training for tactical-level Rwandan female military peacekeepers. In: War Amongst the People: Critical Assessments. Sandhurst Trends in International Conflict Series. Howgate Publishing, Havant. ISBN 9781

Holmes, G., Wright, K. A. M., Basu, S., Hurley, M., Martin de Almagro, M., Guerrina, R. and Cheng, C. (2019) Feminist experiences of ‘studying up’: encounters with international institutions. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 47 (2). pp. 210-230. ISSN 1477-9021 doi:

Holmes, G. (2019) Situating agency, embodied practices and norm implementation in peacekeeping training. International Peacekeeping, 26 (1). pp. 55-84. ISSN 1743-906X doi:

Duriesmith, D. and Holmes, G. (2019) The masculine logic of DDR and SSR in the Rwanda Defence Force. Security Dialogue, 50 (4). pp. 361-379. ISSN 1460-3640 doi:

Humphreys, A. (2019) Realism, empiricism, and causal inquiry in International Relations: what’s at stake? European Journal of International Relations, 25 (2). pp. 562-587. ISSN 1460-3713 doi:

Jubb, R. (2019) Disaggregating political authority: what’s wrong with Rawlsian civil disobedience? Political Studies, 67 (4). pp. 955-971. ISSN 0032-3217 doi:

Jubb, R. (2019) On what a distinctively political normativity is. Political Studies Review, 17 (4). pp. 360-369. ISSN 1478-9302 doi:

Dür, A., Marshall, D. and Bernhagen, P. (2019) The political influence of business in the European Union. New Comparative Politics. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp232. ISBN 9780472131181 doi:

Park, B. B. (2019) Compared to what? Media-guided reference points and relative economic voting. Electoral Studies, 62. 102085. ISSN 0261-3794 doi:

Park, B. B. (2019) How do sanctions affect incumbent electoral performance? Political Research Quarterly, 72 (3). pp. 744-759. ISSN 1938-274X doi:

Heffington, C., Park, B. B. and Williams, L. K. (2019) The “Most Important Problem” dataset (MIPD): a new dataset on American issue importance. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 36 (3). pp. 312-335. ISSN 0738-8942 doi:

Park, B. B. and Shin, J. (2019) Do the welfare benefits weaken the economic vote? A cross-national analysis of the welfare state and economic voting. International Political Science Review, 40 (1). pp. 108-125. ISSN 0192-5121 doi:

Cho, Y. and Park, B. B. (2019) Electoral competitiveness and perceived election quality: unraveling the mediational role of district-level turnout in the 2016 Korean legislative election. Journal of Future Politics, 19 (2). pp. 31-60. ISSN 2233-7148

Park, B. B., Frantzeskakis, N. and Shin, J. (2019) Who is responsible? The effect of clarity of responsibility on voter turnout. West European Politics, 42 (3). pp. 464-494. ISSN 1743-9655 doi:

Rauta, V. (2019) Towards a typology of non-state actors in ‘hybrid warfare’: proxy, auxiliary, surrogate and affiliated forces. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. ISSN 1474-449X doi:

Rauta, V. (2019) Conceptualising the regular-irregular engagement: the strategic value of proxies and auxiliaries in wars amongst the people. In: Brown, D., Murray, D., Riemann, M., Rossi, N. and Smith, M. (eds.) War Amongst the People. Howgate Publishing Limited, Havant.

Reid, A. (2019) ‘What Facts Should be Treated as ‘Fixed’ in Public Justification?’ Social Epistemology 33(6): 491-502.

Reid, A. (2019) ‘Buses and Breaking Point: Freedom of Expression and the ‘Brexit’ Campaign’. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22(3): 623-637.

2019 – Why students don’t read – new tools for topic engagement beyond the classroom – PSA/APSA/BISA International Teaching and Learning Conference, Brighton

Sloan, G. (2019) The Royal Navy and organizational learning — the western approaches tactical unit and the Battle of the Atlantic. Naval War College Review, 72 (4). 9. ISSN 0028-1484

White, K. (2019) The key to Lisbon: the third French invasion of Portugal, 1810-11. From Reason to Revolution, 1721-1815. Helion & Company, Solihull, pp240. ISBN 9781911628521

Kaya, ZN and M Whiting (2019) The HDP, the AKP and the Battle for Turkish Democracy. Ethnopolitics 18(1): 92-106.

Özerdem, A and M Whiting (2019) The Routledge Handbook of Turkish Politics. Routledge.