Our Publications

Below are publications from our pilot studies and earlier work that are related to the exploration of medieval frontiers in south-western Europe. We will be publishing interim reports and specialist studies over the course of the project, but our principal outputs, including a book, will be ready by the end of 2023.

Iberian frontiers

García-Contreras Ruiz, G. 2018. ‘Poblamiento rural y gestión del agua en la Marca Media de al-Andalus: El ‘Val de la Riva’ en el Alto Henares’, in G. García-Contreras Ruiz and L. Olmo Encisco (eds.), Arqueología Medieval en Guadalajara. Agua, paisaje y cultura material, Granada, Editorial Alhulia: 199–231.

García-Contreras Ruiz, G. 2018. ‘Feudalización y cambio ecológico en el sector oriental de la Extremadura castellana: poblamiento y paisaje en los territorios de Atienza, Sigüenza y Molina (siglos XI-XIII)’, in J. Torró and E. Guinot (eds.), Trigo y Ovejas. El impacto de las conquistas en los paisajes de al-Andalus (siglos XI-XVI), Valencia: Universitat de València, 51–76.

García-Contreras Ruiz, G. Banerjea, R. Y. Brown, A. D. and Pluskowski, A. G. 2016. ‘Molina de Aragón: archaeological investigations of environmental change on the frontiers of medieval Iberia’, Antiquity 349/90.

García-Contreras Ruiz, G. 2016. ‘Where is power in a marginal and border area? Northern Guadalajara in the times of al-Andalus (8th–11th centuries)’, in A. Fábregas and F. Sabaté (eds.), Power and Rural Communities in al-Andalus. Ideological and Material Representations, Turnhout: Brepols, 53–84.

Diet and ethnicity in medieval Iberia

Alexander, M. Gutiérrez, A. Millard, A. R. Richards, M. P. and Gerrard, C. M. 2019. ‘Economic and socio-cultural consequences of changing political rule on human and faunal diets in medieval Valencia (c. fifth–fifteenth century AD) as evidenced by stable isotopes’, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1-19.

Alexander, M. 2016. ‘The application of stable isotope analysis to explore diets in late medieval Spain,’ in  J. A. Quirós Castillo (ed.), Demografía, Paleopatología y Desigualdad Social en la Edad Media en el Norte Peninsular, Bilbao: Universidad del Pais Vasco, 245-262.

Alexander, M. Gerrard, C. Guirérrez, A. Millard, A. 2015. ‘Diet, society, and economy in late medieval Spain: Stable isotope evidence from Muslims and Christians from Gandía, Valencia’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2/156: 263-273.

Medieval frontier archaeology

Pluskowski, A. G. Gerrard, C. and Boas, A. 2011. ‘The ecology of crusading: Investigating the environmental impact of holy war and colonisation at the frontiers of medieval Europe’, Medieval Archaeology 55:192-225.

Molina de Aragón

Landscape Archaeology at Molina de Aragón

The frontier at Zafra


Environmental work at Agicampe (Rural Nasrid Kingdom Project, directed by Alberto García Porras and Adela Fábregas)