Mehdi Shahrestani (Built Environment) has been awarded funding from EPSRC to act as co-investigator on JUST-Systems, a 5-year project headed by the University of Aberdeen researching  Net Zero solutions at scale in the UK, and how local governments can achieve this.

Henny Osbahr (Agriculture, Policy & Development) has received a standard research grant from NERC to examine whether microplastics undermine food security in less economically developed countries, in partnership with other universities.

Amelia Hollywood (Chemistry, Food & Pharmacy) was granted funding from the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR) to participate in a prospective study assessing the impact of radiofrequency ablation on health related quality of life in patients with benign thyroid nodules.

Helen Dacre (Mathematical, Physical & Computational Science) has received funding from the Met Office for research into the use of ‘explainable AI’ in weather forecasting.

Vic Norton (Chemistry, Food & Pharmacy) has been funded by Imperial College London to conduct workshops with older groups of people to promote fibre-related awareness. The University is taking a lead role in this research, with no partners.

Fabio Oliveira (Henley Business School) has received funding from Innovate UK to develop an AI-powered virtual assistant, specifically designed to aid architects during project development. The goal of the VA is to improve new builds, increase accuracy, and cut carbon emissions during construction. This funding is a knowledge transfer partnership, facilitated by KEEP.

Colin McKinnon (Institute for Environmental Analytics) has been contracted by the Met Office to provide an update on the Climate Science for Service Partnership Brazil project. Starting in 2016, CSSP Brazil is a collaborative project between numerous partners in the UK and Brazil, aiming to support climate-resilient economic development in the country.

Simon Potts (Agriculture, Policy & Development) has received funding from the European Commission to participate in PollHab, an ongoing research project to reverse the decline of pollinators – a component of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 – in collaboration with numerous European partners.

Stefania Lovo (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) has been granted funding by the London School of Economics and Political Science for the research project ‘Assessing the Role of FISP in Enhancing Agricultural Productivity, Climate Resilience, and Pest Management’