The UK’s decision to leave the EU is seen by the Government as an opportunity to reform UK agricultural land policy. Researchers from the University of Reading and the University…Read More >
Combating climate change – why investors should keep their shares in fossil fuel companies
As we begin to engage with the climate emergency and the impact of carbon dioxide emissions, calls have grown to stop investing in companies engaged in fossil fuel production –…Read More >
COVID-19 and grappling with the uncertainties of a ‘new normal’ for researchers
The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing significant changes to the ways in which we operate as global development academics and practitioners. This new context requires both creative research methods and a…Read More >
The untapped value in upcycled food by-products
Every year about 30% of the total food produced in the world for human consumption is lost or wasted both at food supply chain and consumption level, corresponding to approximately…Read More >
Improving the effectiveness of COVID-19 Testing
There is a pressing need to develop accurate and safe COVID-19 antibody tests that can be conducted at home. Following the recent launch of a fundraising and volunteering campaign Dr…Read More >
Tackling the economic and social challenges caused by COVID-19
Our health service is battling to save lives everyday as medical researchers work with pharmaceutical companies to try and find a vaccine for COVID-19. The virus is also having an…Read More >
Peru’s war on drugs is an abject failure – here’s what it can learn from Bolivia
When Peruvian government forces began eradicating coca leaf, the raw material for cocaine, without warning in a remote corner of Peru’s principal coca growing region last November, they were met…Read More >
Should there be a phased reopening of schools from 1st June? Let the teachers have their say
As part of the phased approach to easing COVID-19 restrictions, the Government plans to reopen schools on 1 June for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils. Dr Catherine Foley,…Read More >
As sea levels rise, are we ready to live behind giant walls?
Climate change, it’s fair to say, is complicated. And it’s big. One of the main challenges of responding effectively is simply getting your head around the scale of the problem….Read More >
Rewilding: lessons from the medieval Baltic crusades
The Forest of Białowieża, which straddles the border of Poland and Belarus, is unique in Europe: it is incredibly ancient. Woodland has been continuously present there for some 12,000 years….Read More >