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Heritage and Creativity Academic Forum: collections as a research tool

The University of Reading has outstanding archives, museums and collections which provide a rich resource for our research and have stimulated many high profile research projects (e.g. Staging Beckett, Sensory Objects, War Child).

This term’s Academic Forum reports on the Collections Project, including opportunities for internal funding and support to work with the University’s Collections.  It features a number of short talks on new projects funded by the Heritage & Creativity Institute for Collections to stimulate research linked to our archives and collections.  The topics range from an exploration of Publishing and Class (Nicola Wilson), through Utopia (Andy Willimott), Beckett and Dying Well (Conor Carville),  and an introduction from one of our newest postdoctoral researchers (Amara Thornton) to new research from the Ure Museum.

We will have an open and interactive Q&A session to engage with the ‘whys and hows’ of working with Collections, as well as a pop-up exhibition and discussion with Collections Staff.



28 February 2019
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category: