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The Changing Face of Climate Science
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The Changing Face of Climate Science
Wednesday 13th February, 14:00 – 14:45 – Slingo Lecture Theatre, JJThomson Building
The University of Reading is delighted to host this special event, celebrating the opening of the Slingo Lecture Theatre. This is in honour of Dame Julia Slingo DBE and Professor Anthony Slingo, both esteemed scientists and valued members of the University of Reading community. Dame Julia Slingo DBE will be talking about the evolution seen in Climate Science over the last 45 years followed by a Q&A chaired by Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Robert Van de Noort.
Dame Julia served as Chief Scientist of the UK Met Office from 2009 until retirement where she led a team of more than 500 scientists, they worked on a broad portfolio of research. This research underpinned weather forecasting, climate predictions and climate change projections. Through her career, she has worked at the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, the US National Centre for Atmospheric Research and the University of Reading.
Amongst other awards, Dame Julia was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2015 and Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2016. In her retirement, she has taken on a number of advisory roles, including Special Advisor on Science to the Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organisation, and is now a member of the new National Environment Research Council under UK Research and Innovation.
Dame Julia has brought innovative approaches to understanding and modelling weather and climate. She has developed and used complex weather and climate models to deliver new insights into how the atmosphere and climate system works, as well as significant advances in predictive skill and climate services.
Admission free, booking advisable.
To book your place visit www.reading.ac.uk/events